IMG Mailbox Spectre Supreme CD-ROM? Dear IMG: I read in March IMG in the preview of Spectre Supreme that there is a CD-ROM version. When I called Mac's Place or talked with other people they had never heard of it. Do you know how the CD-ROM version works? There is a one player and a two player LAN version. Is the CD-ROM version the one player, the two player, both, or neither? Will it take longer for the CD-ROM version to come out? Can you buy a regular version and upgrade to CD-ROM? Any help you can give would be appreciated. Carl Melton - via CompuServe - The details on the CD-ROM version of Spectre Supreme are a little sketchy at this time. According to Velocity, the CD-ROM version will be available this fall. The CD-ROM version will likely include lots of QuickTime movies and more matrices. However, you can now get the Spectre Supreme LAN Pack (two users) at a discounted price. As for an upgrade from the original Spectre, Velocity tells us that Supreme is not an upgrade but a new product. But there might be an announcement soon for Spectre owners regarding upgrades to Supreme. Stay tuned for details. —TD The Journeyman's Speed. Dear IMG: I don't understand how you could write about The Journeyman Project and not even mention the numerous complaints about the game's speed (actually, the lack thereof) that have been voiced, both on AOL and elsewhere. Anyone with less than a Quadra who rushes out to buy it on the basis of your review is in for a bit of a letdown, I think. Overpaid - via America Online - Neil says he was using a PLI CD-ROM drive which has an access speed of 200 Msec. With that drive, The Journeyman Project operated at acceptable speeds. The manual does mention that the program works best on fast-access drives. CD-ROM games are always, of course, going to be limited by the speed of CD-ROM drives being used to play them. -TD MouseStick Software Dear IMG: I was excited to read in IMG about the software upgrade for my pre-system-7 MouseStick. I called Gravis to find out which BBS's had the new software for downloading and was told that version 3.1 will not work with my old Mousestick. The upcoming version 3.2 WILL support the old MouseStick and will be available in a few weeks. I thought your readers might like to know. Rick Dotzler - Iowa City, IA - By the time you read this, the MouseStick II v3.2 software will be available. Here's some more information from their press release: Version 3.2 dramatically increases the performance and compatibility of Gravis' popular MouseStick. The MouseStick II software upgrade version 3.2 features a new, easier-to-use interface that works with any size Macintosh monitor. Gravis' Application Aware feature automatically configures the MouseStick for virtually any Macintosh game. The new software also makes it easy for users to customize the control settings for either mouse or keyboard controlled games. The software upgrade works with all current MouseStick models and installs easily with a single mouse click. The upgrade is available to registered owners of the Gravis MouseStick for $15.00 U.S. directly from Gravis or it can be downloaded for free. -TD MacFLY Review Dear IMG: I disagree with the review of the MacFly. I really like the joystick. It seems as though the reviewer spent his entire review griping over IBM and IBM ports. First of all, the box is all Mac (with pictures of three Mac games on the side) and the documentation is all Mac. The hardware is very sturdy and the suction cups worked just fine on my desk. You should also tell readers that you can now get the MacFly direct for only $45 dollars. I agree that the 'auto' button is flimsy, but that's really the only problem. I would have given it four checks at least. Tony Small via America Online - I am truly happy for you. Really :-) - BT - Only $45? Seriously? You can buy the same joystick for the PC (called the Quick Shot) for about $12. Why is the Mac version so much more expensive? - TD Dear IMG: I must take exception to several points from the MacFLY review in the April issue of Inside Mac Games. First, the unit reviewed was a beta unit. This was not mentioned anywhere in the review. The final software disk contains more settings files, and more are being created all the time. [many exceptions provided and not reprinted here due to their considerable length] All in all I think the review was not objective and was too quickly performed without checking up on the facts. Eric Parker, President Parsoft, Inc. - The box we received was shrinkwrapped and mentioned nothing about being a beta version. The Control Panel software included and reviewed was "MacFLY 1.0.1 Copyright © 1993." In my limited experience most beta versions have a little "b" in there somewhere :-) As for objectivity, well, I'm the first to admit that my reviews are subjective. Aren't they all? Siskel and Ebert make a lot of money being subjective, and while I don't make a lot of money (or any, for that matter), I do know what I like, what I don't, and why. As a former English professor of mine used to say, "If you can't be absolutely right, you can be absolutely sure...." - BT April Fool's Jokes Stink! Dear IMG: You guys certainly have a cruel sense of humor. I almost suffered a stroke reading your "From the Editors Desk" for the April issue. To joke that Origin was re-entering the Mac gaming scene was bad enough, but to then hint that LucasArts was doing a port of X Wing.... for shame! You had me standing on my seat, that is until I realized it was a most malicious prank. Jon Forwick via CompuServe Dear IMG: I am assuming, in my little cynical way, that the announcement in the April issue of IMG that Origin was going to do Ultima 6 and Wing Commander for the Mac, and that LucasArts was going to do X-Wing for the Mac, is just someone's unhappy way of welcoming April 1st to our doorstep. April Fool. Humph. I even went so far as to hovering the cursor over the send button on a message to ORIGIN about Wing Commander before I suspected... What evil, despicable people you are. Danny Novo via CompuServe - OK, I'm the sick one. I'll admit it was a pretty mean thing to do. But, it was all in good humor. Maybe I didn't make that clear enough at the end of the article. Anyway, don't just sit there and call me names, do something about it! If you really want to see Origin release Ultima or LucasArts develop X-Wing, write them a letter. Some software companies listen to what you have to say, and if they receive enough requests they could develop the game you want. In fact, LucasArts has hinted that public input may convince them to produce a Macintosh version of X-Wing. If they receive enough mail, they will consider producing the product. You can send a letter to Origin or Lucas Arts at the following addresses. Include your name, type of Mac, address, and your signature.- TD Origin Systems P.O. Box 161750 Austin, TX 78716 LucasArts Games P.O. Box 10307 San Rafael, CA 94912 Letters to IMG. If you have a question, problem, comment, suggestion, tip, or idea, write or e-mail us, please. All letters become property of Inside Mac Games. We reserve the right to edit any letters.